Obesere speaks -‘Blame Wasiu Ayinde for the crisis in fuji music’.


Blaming the king of the genre,
Alhaji Wasiu Ayinde, also known as K1 De Ultimate, for all that is going wrong there, Obesere also suggested the way out of the deadlock.
In an interview with ENCOMIUM Weekly on Thursday, June 23, 2010, in Ikeja, Lagos the Asakasa king also spoke on other issues including his environmental ambassador honour, the Gulder Ultimate Celebrity Showdown and more.

Recently, you were decorated as one of the environmental ambassadors in Lagos State, how does that feel as an entertainer?
Honestly, it feels good. I feel particularly happy about it. It is a good development in my life and career that the government of Lagos State, under the leadership of Governor Raji Fashola, considering me for that. It was something I wasn’t expecting. I was surprised when I got the letter.
I thank God Almighty for the honour. I am using the opportunity to thank Lagos State government under the leadership of Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola and Muiz Banire who signed the letter of nomination. I really appreciate it. I feel elated about it.
Not too long ago, you participated in the Gulder Ultimate Celebrity Showdown. What would you say has been working for you, because it is like it is Obesere all the time?
(Laughs) There is nothing working for me other than God. And also believe it is because I have only learnt to be good to people I meet at any time and at any moment. I believe that whatever you know how to do, try and continue with it, don’t think people are not seeing you.
What level do you intend moving to after this?
I grow every second and I believe it is not by my power or by anybody’s power, but by the power of God who created me. And for the kind of love people have for me and my music, I still believe I will continue to move higher and higher. Something better will continue to come my way by the grace of God.
How did you feel when you were evicted from the Gulder Ultimate Celebrity Showdown?
I didn’t feel bad because I believe I had achieved what God wanted me to go and get there. God used the opportunity to reveal a message to me, that Abass Akande, don’t trust anybody, don’t rely on human beings. He revealed to me that I can be a friend to anybody, but don’t reveal all your secrets to people. It was a good experience that will remain with me forever.
It is not only when you will the star prize in any competition that you need to appreciate the fact that God really loves you, what of those that their names were not even remembered for such a thing. So, I don’t feel bad in anyway about my eviction.
Since you all left the camp, have you been communicating with others?
Yes, most of us are still communicating. You know our being together in the camp gave us the opportunity to know one another better. And for one to be together for a while was also enough to be talking even many years after the camp experience. Especially, Emeka and I, Daddy Showkey, Muma Gee and so on. We are all friends now.
We only heard of the N7.5 million star prize won by Emeka Ike. How much was given to each of you?
What I will only tell, you is that everybody had his or her own gift. What happens is that people only set their eyes on the star prize. All I am concerned about is that I had a joyous moment.
Let’s go to your career proper now. Why is it that crisis has not for once left the fuji music circle? If it is not you today, it would be Wasiu Ayinde, if not Wasiu, it could be Pasuma or Osupa Saidi. Can you explain?
I want to use this opportunity to tell the whole world that it is Alhaji Wasiu Ayinde that is creating problems among the fuji musicians. He doesn’t want peace with the association at all. He is the one creating families. Although, I am not against that. There is nothing wrong in creating families, but that must not be used to cause crisis in the association.
For instance, about three months back, this guy in Ibadan, Alhaji Rasheed Ayinde, celebrated his 30 years on stage, none of all these people calling themselves Arabambi family was ion attendance. It was only those of us who don’t belong to any family, any caucus that you will always see at every event, because we don’t have any malice to keep with anybody.
I believe we are one. You know, this issue of national chairman of the association, which God has made me, most of Wasiu Ayinde’s friends had to call Alhaji Saka Orobo, advising him to take his national chairmanship form me. Wasiu Ayinde also said in an interview he granted a daily paper that until Saidi Osupa and I come to his house and beg him, he won’t do anything for FUMAN.
Then, I asked some people who are saying we should go and beg him for what. This is all about association. I don’t think we have issues personally to have warranted that. And I don’t think the position I am holding today in the association was lobbied for. I was nominated, after which there was an election, which was credible. I didn’t bribe anybody. What Wasiu Ayinde is now saying is that he knows the constitution, that the constitution was made in his house and he believes it is going to favour him, but the reverse is the case.
But K1 De Ultimate is one of the members of Board of Trustees?
Yes, he is, that is what he is not supposed to be dabbling into another area which does not concern him at all. Once you are a member of Board of Trustees of any association, you are automatically one of the godfathers of the association. You don’t need to poke-nose into other areas, especially when it has to do with the composition of the executive members.
And it was the same Alhaji Wasiu that sang in of his albums that once can’t be made an Imam and he will still be contesting for Seriki again. Now, he has been made an Imam and he still wants to be Seriki.
What are you now doing to address the situation?
All I am now doing is to let the whole public know that it is Wasiu Ayinde that is causing problem in fuji music circle. I don’t care what this would cause. I believe if we don’t disagree, we can’t agree. So, let us disagree so that we can agree. Wasiu Ayinde in his interview with that daily paper, he said he had done a lot of things for fuji artists. I will say it emphatically, he has not done anything tangible for any fuji artist. He only wants himself to be there forever and life is not like that. I know the type of person he is. If he has done anything for anybody, he says in public, uses it to sing up and down. I, as a person, I have done a lot for many artists which I don’t need to be talking about. He is a self-centered person.
With all said and done, when will peace come?
Honesty, there can be peace. If he can tell all those calling themselves Arabambi family, advice them well, tell them we are all one, I believe there could be peace. A lasting one.
There was a time I invited all these guys, when Wasiu Ayinde was away for a medical treatment. There was a peaceful resolution and everybody was happy. But by the time he came back, everything was scattered again. So he is the major problem of the association. Fuji house is one house and that is how it is supposed to be. I have no personal issue with him, I just want to tell him to allow peace reign in our association.

K1 reacts
Reacting to Obesere’s allegations, K1 de Ultimate, who spoke, through his manager, Percy Ademokun, had this to say:

 ‘Don’t mind Obesere, he likes making unnecessary noise anytime he wants to release an album. How can Alhaji Wasiu be responsible for the crisis in fuji music circle when he is even the one making peace? I think he should just leave Wasiu out of this and face his career. Arabambi that he is referring to has been in existence for about five years now and that has not been causing any ripples in the association. I don’t see anything wrong in people of like minds coming together. Maybe he is trying to react to the statement credited to Alhaji Agba that for FUMAN to progress, all the fuji artists should rally round Wasiu and give him more support because what he, his father, has not been able to do for a long time now (Peace), K1 has been able to achieve and bring all the fuji artists together, making progress for the association. If he wants to face Alhaji Agba, let him face him. H should leave Wasiu alone and stop making noise.

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