Prophet TB Joshua Heals President of Tanzania's Eldest Son.
In the clips, TB Joshua is warmly welcomed at the airport by Tanzania’s President, Dr John Magufuli, who is described as a ‘regular visitor to The SCOAN and an Emmanuel TV partner’.
Subsequently, the video shows Joshua being shown around Magufuli’s personal house and also meeting his extended family, including his aged mother.
The President’s eldest son testifies in the clips that he received healing from a respiratory problem after the prayers from TB Joshua, now he no longer needs the breathing device he once relied upon.
clips reveal the Nigerian cleric’s extensive meeting with Tanzanian
opposition leader Edward Lowassa and key members of his party where he
is seen offering prayers for them.At the period of TB Joshua’s arrival in November 2015, the nation was tense after the election outcome was disputed by Lowassa.
However, peace and progress have been the watchwords of Magufuli’s first few months in office, with his anti-corruption drive and impressive work ethic hailed worldwide.
However, peace and progress have been the watchwords of Magufuli’s first few months in office, with his anti-corruption drive and impressive work ethic hailed worldwide.
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