Beautiful Fashion Or Beautiful Nonsense?: Ciara's Eye Popping Outfit To The Grammys (Photos).
Singer Ciara Harris, who claims to be in celibate relationship with her fiance, Russel Wilson wore this eye-popping, mouth drying, heart stopping, blush inducing outfit the 58th Grammy Awards.
She is wearing no underwear underneath (not even G-string) and i am forced to wonder at the rationale behind this kind of dressing. ,She isn’t the first to dress this way neither will she be the last, but hey, lets call a spade by what it really is.
No bra, no pant in a dress that lives little to the imagination, yet you’re in a relationship where you have both agreed to abstain?? We can’t help but admire Wilson’s self-control (he is the one who insisted they abstain from sex until marriage)
Kuku tie wrapper to the red carpet. Lol
Is this fashion or madness?
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