Hugely offensive: Madonna outrages Catholic officials by using 'sexy nuns' and crucifixes as props on stage.

7-year-old singer and actress Madonna has outraged Catholic officials and labelled “hugely offensive” by the Catholic Bishop of Auckland ahead of her New Zealand shows for using Catholic symbols in her performance.

According to New Zealand website Stuff, Madonna’s current world tour includes a “holy water” stripping segment with scantily-clad dancers and “sexy nuns” gyrating on cross-shaped stripper poles.
This was enough for Bishop Pat Dunn to find the biggest selling female recording artist of all time “insulting,” suggesting there should be “boundaries,
During an interview with RadioLive, the bishop said:

‘There’s always a fine line … about artistic expression and how free artists can be. I find it hugely offensive. I bet every penny I’ve got that Madonna wouldn’t dare say or use lyrics that were offensive to Islam because people would be outraged.
I find it very difficult to grasp how (Madonna) can say things that are so offensive and so insulting, when she does claim to be Christian. Artists have to be a little bit sensitive to values that are held by people in our society.’
Raised a Catholic, many officials of the church have accused the pop icon as ‘insulting’ her faith by using symbols in a ‘provocative’ manner.
Madonna’s conflict with the Catholic church began in 1989 when she released her music video for Like A Prayer, which featured strong religious references, flaming crosses and a black Jesus.
The Pope forbade her from entering Vatican City, but this didn’t appear to discourage listeners as it’s one of the most successful singles of all time.
In 2006, she ruffled feathers again for her Confessions tour which resulted in officials calling for her to be ex-communicated.
More pics from the New Zealand show:

One of her fans at the show came dressed as the Pope

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